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Are you questioning the benefits... or thinking what is in this bottle?  Please read this work of information provided below carefully & of course if any questions after giving your time to read, then we can talk!  CRS loves health and encourages healthy positive knowledgeable conversations.  May your moments be balanced & blessed. Cure Restore Survive 

Sour sop hibiscus tea ingredients: 
Sour sop leaves 
Hibiscus flowers 
Mullin spice (dry orange peel cinnamon & clove) 
Raw honey 
Alkaline water  


Sour sop is a wide flat leaf that aids inflammation, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes, parasitic infections and has a powerful affect on vital systems in the body. Red Hibiscus flowers have a tart taste, lowers systolic & diastolic blood pressure, fights bacteria, aids in weight loss, good for the reproductive system, liver function & packed with antioxidants. 

Sour Sop Hibiscus Tea 8oz

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