Sea Moss grows naturelly in the ocean, the moss much like seaweed aids all changes in life. When the body is looking for a balance, seamoss with fresh fruit, herbs & alkalized water, is the best medicine! Seamoss contains 92 minerals out of the 102 minerals that your body needs to function CRS (Cure Restore Survive). You can organically enjoy as much as you want to help remove toxins, old bile from the bowels, helps with hair & the deficiency of lack of iron to support in hair for growth seamoss has vitamin E, rich in vitamin A which increase the production of sebum which helps to keep scalp moisturized, eczema, rashes, sunburns, psoriasis, healthier nails & skin, like collagen which makes skin clean looking and hair fluffy while giving the body nutrients. Seamoss combats against Pneumonia, Bronchitis and serves as an anti-inflammatory. Seamoss definitely is worth your research and time. Seamoss gives aid to IBS, Crohn’s, Thyroid dis-ease and ulcerative colitis; it promotes a healthy brain, eye & heart function. Also carries probiotics which is a beneficial bacteria to promote good gut health and reduce gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Essential nutrients are important for the proper function in the body while minerals play a vital role in brain development or mood swings. Seamoss holds a lot of Magnesium & Potassium known as mood boosters, an abundance of iodine, iron, amino acids, vitamin E & C, rich in vitamin A, B12,vitamin B,B2, & B9, Selenium. Seamoss is from the mucilaginous family, much like okra, aloe, chia seeds, with a snotty nature perfect for healing the mucus membranes in the respiratory & digestive systems Seamoss is wonderful to enjoy before or after a hard workout or lack of nights sleep. The nutrients from seamoss can provide your body the power it needs to perform throughout the day. Consuming seamoss daily helps the body with various present ailments and dis-easaes. Seamoss definitely is worth your research and time